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Panel 2

How should the Degrees, the Training Courses, the Professional and the Clinical Experience be Assessed; and how should the Honors, Awards, and Grants of the Candidates be Assessed?

Chair: Gregory Fitz, Executive Vice President for Accademic Affairs, Provost and Dean of UT Southwestern
Medical School, Dallas, Texas, USA
Vice Chair:      Gottfried Schatz, Emeritus, Biocentre University of Basel, Switzerland
Members: Tan Chorh Chuan, Deputy Chairman, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapor
Masatoshi Makuuchi, Chairman of Surgery, Red Cross Medical Center, Toyko, Japan
Jacques Marescaux, Chairman Surgery, University of Strasbourg, France
Matthias Rothmund, Dean emeritus, Medical School, University of Marburg, Germany
The responsibilities of department chairs are increasingly complex. They require not only communication skills, leadership, and high standards, but also effective recruitment and business acumen. Potential candidates for chair positions are identified on the basis of established expertise and broad recognition in one or more relevant domains, and demonstrated scientific excellence. However, excellence can be narrowly focused, and objective guidelines for evaluating candidates are limited. None have been shown to have reliable predictive value. Review of the degrees, training courses and experience has an important, but limited, role in initial evaluation of candidates. It is effective in determining whether prospective candidates possess the level of achievement and excellence to warrant further evaluation by the search committee. However, direct personal interviews and other tools are essential for evaluating whether candidates also possess the communication skills, the social competence and other attributes necessary for long-term success. Precision in defining both the specific responsibilities of the chair position and the future measures of success is essential for assessing the relevance of the background and experience of candidates and is likely to improve the outcome of the selection process.

Fulltext of Panel 2 (PDF, 557 KB)

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